Executing queries

ext/pq provides three means to execute queries against the PostgreSQL server:

Simple plain execution of a query

pq\Connection::exec() accepts a single argument, a query string, containing a single or multiple SQL queries, separated by semi-colon.

$c->exec("SELECT 1*s,2*s,3*s FROM generate_series(1,3) s");

An object of class pq\Result is returned on success. See Fetching results for details.

Only the last result will be returned, if the query string contains more than one SQL query.

Automatic prepare & execute of an unnamed statement

pq\Connection::execParams() accepts a query string with a single SQL query as first argument, which will be prepared as an unnamed statement.

The second argument is an array of parameters to execute the prepared statement with.

If the third argument is present, an array with pg_type OIDs, those types will be used for the parameters. See Using types for details.

$c->execParams("SELECT int($1) * s, int($2) * s, int($3) * s FROM generate_series(1,3) s", array(1,2,3));

An object of class pq\Result is returned on success. See Fetching results for details.

Explicit prepare & execute of a named statement

pq\Connection::prepare() requires the statement name as string as first argument. This name is used later to refer to this prepared statement. See Prepared statements for details.

The second argument is a query string containing a single SQL query, which will be prepared on the server.

If the third argument is present, an array with pg_type OIDs, those types will be used for the parameters. See Using types for details.


$c->prepare("my_stm""SELECT \$1::int*s,\$2::int*s,\$3::int*s FROM generate_series(1,3) s");
$result $statement->exec(array(1,2,3));


An object of class pq\Statement will be returned on success. See Prepared statements for details.